Simulation Scenarios and Resources
Trauma Simulation scenarios
Epidural Hematoma
By the end of this scenario, the learner will be able to:
1. Perform a primary and secondary survey on a patient presenting to the emergency department after a motor vehicle collision.
2. Correctly diagnose an epidural hematoma on a CT scan. Compare and contrast the CT findings of an epidural hematoma to CT findings of other intracranial hemorrhages.
3. Manage an emergency department patient suffering from an epidural hematoma.
Click below to DOWNLOAD Epidural Hematoma Instructor Materials
Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture
By the end of this scenario, the learner will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the rapid assessment of a critically ill trauma patient using the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines.
2. Recognize the signs and symptoms suggestive of and consistent with a traumatic diaphragmatic rupture.
3. Demonstrate appropriate diagnosis and management of a traumatic diaphragmatic rupture in the emergency department, including surgical consultation and rapid sequence intubation (RSI) in a patient with impending respiratory failure.
4. Demonstrate the ability to succinctly convey relevant information to consultants in order to enlist their assistance in a critically injured patient.
Click below to DOWNLOAD Traumatic Diaphragmatic Rupture Instructor Materials
Penetrating Neck trauma
By the end of this scenario, the learner will be able to:
1. Perform a focused neck exam to identify the hard signs of penetrating neck trauma.
2. Summarize the zones of penetrating neck trauma, and discuss the relevance of anatomic zones in the initial management of penetrating neck injury.
3. Plan for a potentially difficult airway and recognize the need for a surgical airway.
4. Perform a simulated cricothyrotomy.
5. Perform hemorrhage control in a patient with penetrating neck injury.
6. Discuss the indications and pitfalls of cervical spine immobilization in patients with penetrating neck trauma.
7. Recognize the need for volume resuscitation of patients in hemorrhagic shock.
8. Discuss the primary trauma survey.
9. Employ effective teamwork and communication strategies during a resuscitation.
10. Recognize the need for emergent surgical consultation in penetrating neck trauma.